Fitting robust non-Gaussian models in Stan and R-INLA

Rafael Cabral, David Bolin and Håvard Rue / 2023-01-19

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023!

YoungStatS Editorial / 2022-12-21

Weighted residual empirical processes in semi-parametric copula adjusted for regression

Yue Zhao, Irène Gijbels and Ingrid Van Keilegom / 2022-12-07

Some Recent Developments in Mixture Cure Model Methodology for Survival Analysis

Ross Maller, Sidney Resnick, Soudabeh Shemehsavar and Muzhi Zhao / 2022-10-30

Graphical modeling of stochastic processes driven by correlated noise

Søren Wengel Mogensen and Niels Richard Hansen / 2022-10-27

Inference on Adaptively Collected Data

Ruohan Zhan / 2022-10-11