
YoungStatS project is set up to promote research in statistics in its broadest sense, encompassing all of its areas and applications, among other mathematical statistics and probability, econometrics, data science, official statistics, biostatistics and medical statistics, social statistics, economic and business statistics, environmental statistics, statistics in natural sciences and survey methods. The intended audiences are in particular young researchers and scholars in statistics, but also research community in statistics in general, practitioners in the field, advisory councils, institutions, academia, the private sector as well as journalists.

The project is hosted by Young Statisticians Europe and its contributors are independent researchers. Their expressed opinions in the blog posts do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Young Statisticians Europe or FENStatS.

YoungStatS project is supported by the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS).

Please check our home page for the list of our post and the webinar page for the complete list of webinars.

Feel free to follow us on Twitter to stay informed about new blog posts and webinar announcements. Follow @YoungStatS2

You can also follow news about this blog using the R-bloggers RSS feed.

Videos from the One World YoungStatS webinar series are posted at our YouTube channel.


The columns appearing on the YoungStatS Blog are commissioned by the managing editors. Academics who are interested in writing a blog-post based on their statistical research are encouraged to send a few lines describing the possible column and its research basis to youngstats.world(at)gmail.com. The submission should include information on the author(s)’ current and past affiliation(s), relevant degrees or experiences, and the URL of the author(s)’ current webpage.

Editorial Board

Andrej SRAKAR (University of Ljubljana, coordinator)

Pierfrancesco ALAIMO DI LORO (Università di Roma LUMSA)

Emanuele ALIVERTI (University of Padova)

Alessia CAPONERA (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Fabio CENTOFANTI (University of Naples Federico II)

Marie CHION (Paris Cité University)

Manuela-Simona COJOCEA (University of Bucharest)

Nina DELIU (Sapienza University of Rome)

Lucio GALEATI (EPFL Lausanne)

Fatemeh GHADERINEZHAD (Ghent University)

Amirhossein JALALI (University of Limerick)

Fatima-Zahra JAOUIMAA (University of Limerick)

Elena Maria PRADA (The Bucharest University of Economic Studies)

Young Statisticians Europe (YSE)

In October 2018, more than 20 representatives from 8 European countries met for a workshop in Paris with the goal of enabling more networking, collaboration and communication among young statisticians in Europe. The organizing committee consists of young representatives of different statistical associations from all around Europe.

The goals of YSE are:

  • To support the creation of national communities, networks and societies for young statisticians.

  • To provide a platform for networking and exchange between national young statisticians associations

  • To promote joint research and academic collaboration on an international level

  • To organize regional activities and events for young statistician

  • To connect statisticians across different subject areas and career paths

We organize annual events with scientific and administrative sessions (first three took place in France, Romania and Slovenia). We organize some pre-events during international conferences. For example in useR!2019 held in Toulouse, France, from 9th to 12th July. We support the creation of new young statistical networks. We involve people from other countries to be part of the European group.

We include everyone that considers themselves to be “young statisticians” so for example, master’s students, PhD students, postdocs and people in the early stages of their careers from academics or industry in the field of statistics.

If you want to get involved in the organizing committee of YSE, please contact us by email and write a few sentences about yourself.

Every young statistician is welcome in our Facebook group and our LinkedIn group. For communication between the representatives from each country we have created a private facebook group. For promoting our events we have created a LinkedIn page